Monday 27 July 2015

Husbands love your wives as ..... Christ loved the church

Wow , this scripture in Eph 5 : 25 should be preached at every wedding on the planet. If husbands would actually apply this scripture in their marriages , every negative statistic on marriages would. be blown out of the water. Real men love their wives and are prepared to do whatever it takes to look after them. If ever you want to see how a marriage is doing look at the wife. The wife is the glory of the husband. If the husband is not in right standing with God everything in the marriage will fail. Remember that Christ served and laid down His life for the church. Some men have this notion that they may look and lust after other woman. This is unbiblical and adds to the hypocrisy of this age . Men should learn to have the fear of God in their eyes. Pornography , flirtatious advances between men and woman , adultery , fornication all starts with a look that results in men falling for one of the devil's oldest trick's . One of the biggest causes I believe in marriages  failing today is because men yield to the spirit of lust which is rampant in society and the church. The answer to this problem  - simply say NO !


  1. I love this... this is a true statement.. you made my day as well as brought love into my heart and the world keep posting its beautiful

  2. Amen and Amen!


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