Friday 4 May 2018

Speak to God

Sometimes we go through things in this life which can cause a lot of damage both emotionally and mentally that we carry with us for years.yet when people see us they always see a person that portrays someone who has no cares in the world.yet deep down some of the most hurting people in the world are the ones that have mastered the art of hiding their pain.God wants us to deal with our hurts in a transparent and honest way .After all He knows us better than we know ourselves. We can approach God with boldness and not be ashamed in His presence because of the blood of Jesus. Start getting into a conversation with God. Tell him about your desires , hopes and dreams.You will be surprised at the results.God is waiting for you to talk to him. This should be as natural as you would be talking to your husband or your wife or a trusted friend. Let God know what's in your heart .He is your Father and His ears are eager and willing to listen with more love and compassion that you could imagine.Remember that God loves you