Friday 31 July 2015

Christ in you the hope of glory - Coll 1 : 27

Many Christians don't realize who is on the inside of them. If they did they wouldn't be running around looking for the next prophetic word or preacher that can inspire them to make it through another day or week . Now I am not blasting the prophetic or preachers for that matter or any of the gifts in the body of Christ , but if your life here on this earth is not inspired by the Holy spirit working on the inside of you , you will never grow to maturity in Christ. Our source should and must always be our relationship with the  Lord Jesus based upon the revelation that comes from the Word. The Apostle John said " greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world " 1 John 4 : 4. Where is the greater one ? On the inside of you. That is where the answer lies. That is why it is so important to feed your spirit on the word of God daily. Some people look great on the outside but on the inside they are timid and weak. They have no substance and when faced with tough times their strength fails. My man of God once told us about a supernatural experience he had with the Lord. He was lying on his bed sleeping and someone walked into his room and spoke these words , " the difference between failure and success  is courage " Take courage and start drawing from the living waters on the inside of you.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Spiritual discipline

By nature people are mostly lazy and lethargic. As christians God requires from us a certain level of discipline in our daily walk . Talk is cheap but where is your power ! Have you got enough of God's power in your life to be a blessing to others or are you also one of those christians always ready to receive but never willing to give. To function in the power of the Holy spirit we need to have discipline in our lives and press into the things of God constantly. Everyday we are faced with a choice to fellowship with the Lord through  study of the word and prayer. The only time some of God's people pray is when they are in a crisis. We need to be consistent with the things of God. We cannot fluctuate in our spiritual life. Up the one day and down the next . That is rollercoaster Christianity. Always being influenced  by feelings and emotions. We must crucify the flesh and go into the prayercloset with the attitude that we will not leave until we have an open heaven. The time is short and the hour is upon the church to rise up in the resurrection power of Christ and touch the nations of the earth with the fire of Heaven. Discipline will produce Godly character  in your life and will cause you to walk steadfast and strong in the Lord.

Monday 27 July 2015

Husbands love your wives as ..... Christ loved the church

Wow , this scripture in Eph 5 : 25 should be preached at every wedding on the planet. If husbands would actually apply this scripture in their marriages , every negative statistic on marriages would. be blown out of the water. Real men love their wives and are prepared to do whatever it takes to look after them. If ever you want to see how a marriage is doing look at the wife. The wife is the glory of the husband. If the husband is not in right standing with God everything in the marriage will fail. Remember that Christ served and laid down His life for the church. Some men have this notion that they may look and lust after other woman. This is unbiblical and adds to the hypocrisy of this age . Men should learn to have the fear of God in their eyes. Pornography , flirtatious advances between men and woman , adultery , fornication all starts with a look that results in men falling for one of the devil's oldest trick's . One of the biggest causes I believe in marriages  failing today is because men yield to the spirit of lust which is rampant in society and the church. The answer to this problem  - simply say NO !

Wednesday 22 July 2015

by whose stripes ye "were" healed

The greatest day in history is the day Jesus died on the cross for every human being. Jesus paid for every sin , sickness and disease. Healing is not something we have to pay for or work for or earn for that matter. A number of years ago I made a decision to confess this scripture in 1 Peter 2 : 24 every time I sneeze . So every  time I sneezed I would say out loud "by the stripes of Jesus I was healed" Now I can boldly say that in almost 7 years I have never been sick , not one day sick because God's Word works. The company I work for knows by now that they need never be concerned that I will ever be off from work due to illness. Now I am not saying that people that do get sick are in the wrong.The point I am trying to make is that God's Word will work for you if you will be a doe'r and not just a hearer. Take the Word of God , act upon it and you will be amazed . God's Word is alive and as you consistently speak it over your life , His Word will produce life in your body.

Monday 20 July 2015

Praying jn tongues

The most remarkable statement The Apostle Paul made I think is in 1Cor 4:18 " .... I speak with tongues more than ye all " This man has impacted the very fibre of Christianity with His letters because of the revelations he received from the Lord Jesus. I believe that one of the reasons Paul received so much revelation was the fact that he constantly was praying in tongues or praying in the Holy Ghost . Jude 20 says " building  up yourselves on your most holy faith , praying in the Holy Ghost. Praying in the spirit or praying in tongues crucifies your flesh,builds you up spiritually,sharpens your spiritual senses and your discernment of situations. It draws the supernatural  power of God into your natural. Praying in the spirit will give you revelation in God's Word and keep you from becoming  stagnant  as a christian. Not a day goes by in my life that I do not pray in the spirit. Sometimes 2 hours have passed and i am still praying in tongues. Never wait till you feel like praying. Your flesh will never give you the green light to pray. As long as you are in your natural body there will be antagonism between your flesh and your spirit .Praying  in tongues is essential to your spiritual growth. Make this a daily discipline in your walk with God and the results will be astounding.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Decision making time

The most important decision any human being can make is to accept Jesus Christ as his or her personal saviour. All other decisions pale in comparison with this. People  make decisions all the time. No decision is without consequence . The Apostle Paul says in Galatians 6 : 7 , 8 " whatsover a man soweth , that shall he also reap " You may ask but what about the Grace , Mercy , Love and Forgiveness of God ? We must however understand that His Grace was given to us not to live as we please . We don't belong to ourselves anymore but to the one who saved us. We live in a natural world right now where certain laws apply. If things start going wrong don't blame God. Look at your life through the mirror of His word and ask the Holy spirit to help you. Make some adjustments in your life if necessary. He knows that we are weak , but Praise God when we are weak He is strong. He promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. God is not a man that He should lie . I choose to serve the Lord Jesus in this hour . Many people suddenly have this viewpoint that God and His word is no more culturally up to date or in step with modern society. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Devil is still a liar and God is still on the throne !! HALLELUJAH.We must change not God. Start giving God a chance and make the right choices.

Saturday 18 July 2015

2 Tim 4:3 - " itchy ears "

All over the world people are looking for preachers that will satisfy them in their hearing . The Apostle Paul speaks of this in 2 Tim 4 : 3 " for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine , but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers , having itchy ears ... " I believe if you are taught wrong , you will believe wrong , if you believe wrong you fall into  error. As God's people we must embrace the truth not turn away from it . We must discern what is from God and what is not . Our foundation should  always be the Word of God. To Grow into maturity in Christ we have to rightly divide the word of truth according to 2 Tim 2:15 . God wants to bring his people to the full measure of the stature of Jesus Christ . A mature full grown Giant in the Spirit that will smash the gates of hell in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Friday 17 July 2015

There is nothing on this earth that can compare to the "annointing " It is that sweet presence of The Lord that empowers you to minister and gives you courage in the face of impossible situations.The apostle John speaks of the annointing that abides in us . That annointing is the secret power of the christian. There are too many powerless christians. We need the annointing of the Holy spirit to function as God's vessels in this hour. The church cannot touch a dying world without the annointing. Jesus operated in that annointing without measure. If Jesus needed the annointing to fulfil God's purpose then how much more do we need the annointing to be effective. To operate in the annointing we have to yield to the Holy Spirit and always honour God whenever He flows through us to touch others. Be bold with the annointing and be a blessing to others

Thursday 16 July 2015

Every morning (for a number of years now) as I start my day in prayer , I start thanking God for all that He has done for me . Many times the revelation of His Grace so overwhelms me that I start crying . The apostle Paul said to give thanks in everything in 1 Thess 5 ... For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Thanksgiving should be part of our everyday living and breathing. I thank God for Jesus and the price He paid. I thank God for the blood of Jesus and His mercy. I thank God for the air I breathe and a place to stay , food to eat and clothes to wear . I thank God for my wonderful wife and my children and a job to support my family. I thank God that I am in a ministry where the revelation truth of God's Word is ministered under the annointing and where the Holy spirit is allowed to move freely. Start thanking God in everything and make it a daily practice in your life to walk in thanksgiving. I thank God for all those that take the time to read my Blog and pray that God will fill you with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Don't live a life of being unthankful. Train your tongue to speak thanksgiving . Start today , don't wait till tomorrow

Wednesday 15 July 2015

If I could change one decision in my life as a christian it would be only one word . The word submission . I would run to the nearest man of God and submit under Him and serve His annointing and His mantle with everything in me . It will be the difference between success and failure in your walk with God. By the grace of God I am serving in a ministry under authority of a Man of God , who is also my spiritual Father  and Mentor. Submission to authority  will bring about change in your life and will cause Godly increase to manifest in your life. God hates rebellion . Rebellious people are always critical of Leadership and have a crow mentality . Always wallowing in self pity and trying to cause division,strife and bitterness. Align yourself with Eagles . People that have a submissive heart and always talk victory no matter the circumstances

Tuesday 14 July 2015

The heartfelt prayer of the righteous availeth much says the Apostle James. There is a powerful truth in the Bible about the heart. Proverbs says that one should guard his heart above all else , because out of it flows the issues of life. Thus one could safely assume that probably all the issues you are facing right now could be changed if you change your heart . Maybe your heart is filled with unforgiveness and resentment towards a person or a body of people . That very thing could be the reason it seems as if nothing seems to work for you. God cannot answer your prayers if there is unforgiveness in your heart . Unforgiveness will keep you out if heaven and drag you with a rope of bitterness to hell. Forgive as Christ has forgiven you.

Monday 13 July 2015

prayer warriors

If ever you want to see in a ministry who really means business with God , go to the weekly prayermeeting. If your prayerlife is not on fire , you will not be on fire for the Lord Jesus. It is in individual and corporate prayer that heaven's annointing is released on earth. Pray without ceasing the Apostle Paul said. Prayer brings us into alignment with heavens timetable and reveals unto the principalities and powers in the air the Lordship and authority

Sunday 12 July 2015

⭐️Christians walking after the flesh will always be in compromise, but those after the Spirit will seek for truth, Holiness and the fear of the Lord. If you are comfortalble with the things of this world you are in trouble. You have lost your first love. If the filth of this world is ok with you its time for you to go on your knees and ask God to fill you with His Spirit and restore unto you Holy Fire and desire.

Saturday 11 July 2015

The church of the Lord Jesus has a great need for the truth that is inspired by the Holy Spirit and based upon the Word of God. Truth that will set people free and take them into victory . The church need not to be entertained or listen to self-appointed preachers that have hidden agendas . Now is the time to present our bodies a living sacrifice unto the Lord and be on fire with Holy desire. Now is the time to look up with expectancy for Jesus is coming - Hallelujah